佐川大輔さんよりご自身の劇団THEATRE MOMENTSの『楢山節考』マレーシア公演のご案内をいただきました。
11月8日から12日までKepong Facthree Event Arts Spaceで上演されます。深沢七郎作の「楢山節考」を演劇化したもので、昨年に中国マカオでも上演して評価され、今回のマレーシアへの招聘につながったとのこと。中国語と英語の字幕もついています。
This week (November 8-12), A member of Japanese Centre of ITI, Mr. Daisuke Sagawa (Director, Actor and Theatre Facilitator) and his troup THEATRE MOMENTS will perform “Narayama bushikō (The Ballad of Narayama)” in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)! Performed in Japanese and Chinese and English subtitles available.
Detailed information please read below:
Orgainzer: ONZ Production 渾制作
Theatre Moments Won 3 crowns in the 4th Sengawa Theatre Drama Competition: Grand Prize, Audiences Choice Award and the Best Performance.
Show Dates and Time
2017/11/08 (WED) 20:30 *Opening Night * (Full)
2017/11/09 (THU) 20:30 available
2017/11/10 (FRI) 20:30 selling fast
2017/11/11 (SAT) 15:00 available / 20:30 selling fast
2017/11/12 (SUN) 15:00 available / 20:30 available
Kepong Facthree Event Arts Space (11-3,Jalan Mivo,Taman Perindustrian Desa Aman , 52200 KL)
Waze : FAC3 @ Kepong (https://waze.to/lr/hw286204sm)
1 hour and 15 minutes with no intermission.
Ticket Price
RM 120 Early Bird:RM 100 (ends at 30th September 2400hrs)
*Special promotion for opening night RM 60 per ticket
* (Full) Making a block booking (min 20 Tickets, RM80/ticket) kindly contact us at 016-4499090 or enquiry.onzproduction@gmail.com
Ways to buy ticket
1)Ticketing Hotline : 016-4499090 (call/whatapps/ wechat)
2) Fill in the following form : https://goo.gl/C42W7h
(Kindly bank in the total amount within one week after registration to Onz Production Hong Leong Bank Acct No :19600032778 then send the receipt to : 016-4499090 or enquiry.onzproduction@gmail.com to complete the booking )
Whatsapp link: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=60164499090
What’s Narayama bushikō?
「楢山節考」<The Ballad of Narayama> is a novel written by Shichiro Fukazawa in 1956. It was adapted and made into 2 films. The film by the same name directed by Shohei Imamura in 1983 was awarded the Palme d’Or in Cannes Film Festival in the same year.
Supported by 支持單位 DCP, Fac3, KK Super Mart, AP Signature Kitchen 樂悅坊
Producers 監制 Suzuki Cheng 程嘉敏,Sam Chia 謝維森
Co. Producer & Publicity 執行監制及宣傳 Paige Chan 鄭雨萍
Graphic Designer 平面設計 Sam Chia 謝維森
Stage Manager 舞台監督 Veeky Tan 陳薇琪
Japanese Interpreter 日文文案翻譯 AK Siah 謝正科
English Interpreter 英文文案翻譯 LY Tan 陳立揚
Front of House 前台接待 Eugene Ng 黃商權
Present 呈現 THEATRE MOMENTS (シアターモーメンツ)
Original Work 原著 深沢七郎 Shichiro Fukawaza
Director 導演 佐川大輔 Daisuke Sagawa
Lighting Designer 燈光設計 宇野敦子 Atsuko Uno
Costume Designer 服裝設計 有島由生 Yu Arishima
Sound Operator 音響執行 有島由生 Yu Arishima
Casts 演員
佐川大輔 Daisuke Sagawa
中原くれあ Clare Nakahara
ちょびつき雨宮 Chobituki Amemiya
今野健太 Kenta Konno
青木まさと Masato Aoki
関谷美香子 Mikako Sekiya
湯ノ口なをみ Naomi Yunokuchi
The story revolves around a family living in a village, where the village custom says that when a person reaches the age of 70, they are to be taken to die at Narayama, a secret and mystical place in the mountains. But due to poverty and famine, nobody finds the custom wrongful but accepted it as a part of their life. By the end of the story, when the mother was sent up to the mountains on her son’s back, the snow fell. <The Ballad of Narayama> is a Japanese classic. It shows the way Japanese look at life and how it affects the relationship between family members. To others, the story might seem surreal, but it is the conflicts between tradition and humanity that makes the story so beautiful.
故事講述在日本信州的深山地區村落,由於地處偏遠而且生活條件異常困苦,導致村內一切事情都只能是以達到根本的生存目的出發, 村子中傳承著殘酷的「習俗」,母親和兒子在巨大的社會規條下,沒有質疑過為解決糧食不足問題,而放棄年邁人口是多麽荒謬的一件事,更「豁然」視之為生命循環的必然定律。看見鄰居老父對去「送死」的掙扎,母子對老人應自行在山上了結生命的理所當然埋下了種子,隨著兒子送母親上山的「斷捨離」中,而開滿與至親生離死別的悲情雪花。